How to: End a contract

Step-by-step instructions on how to end a contract with the new flow.

Shobhi avatar
Written by Shobhi
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will learn how clients can end contractor agreements. We will cover both immediate termination and setting a date in the future for termination.

✔️ Step 1: Locate the contract

(1) Select the "Contract List" option in the "Contracts" dropdown menu and search for the contract you want to terminate.

(2) Click on "End contract" from the Actions button

Or you can also do it inside the Worker Summary

✔️ Step 2: Select the "Motive for Termination"

(1) The first thing the termination flow will ask you to do is to select a cause, we have 3 options:

  • Termination with cause

  • Termination without cause

  • Termination by worker

  • You sign contracts: No restrictions

  • Ontop sign contracts: Here in case of termination without cause, remember that the termination of the contract should happen with at least 15 days of anticipation, as established in the contract

✔️ Step 3: Select the date of termination

After that, you must select the date on which you want the contract to be terminated.

Rules to select the termination date depending on the type of contract:

  • You sign contracts: These contracts can be ended a maximum of 30 days in the past but not anymore.

  • Ontop sign contracts: These contracts can be ended a maximum of 3 days in the past.

✔️ Step 4: Select the date of sending notification to your worker

The last step is to set up the date and time when your worker will be notified of the termination of his contract.

To keep in mind:

  • You sign contracts: For these types of contracts you can skip the Ontop notification by clicking on "Continue without notify" and the responsibility of sending the termination letter to the worker is yours.

  • Ontop Sign contracts: In this type of contract, the notification cannot be omitted. It will be sent on the date and time you select. An email will be sent from Ontop informing the worker about this along with the termination letter in PDF format.

And that's it, your contract termination will have been set up and will be effective at the end of the day you have selected.

Here is also a video to learn how to end a contract on the platform step by step

Congratulations, you have made it! 🚀

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