How to: Download Invoices

Step-by-step instructions on how to download invoices in the platform.

Shobhi avatar
Written by Shobhi
Updated over a week ago

This article will guide you through the process of downloading invoices.

From our Payments section, you can download invoices individually or in bulk.

How to download invoices individually?

✔️ Step 1: Go to the "Invoices" section under the "Payments" menu.

✔️ Step 2: Go to the "Worker invoices" section and locate the invoice you want to download.

Use the search bar and date filter to locate the invoice you want to download, and click on the action button with the download icon.

✔️ Step 3: Select the PDF format and click on "Download"

By doing this, the invoice will be downloaded in PDF format to your device.

How to download multiple invoices?

Here you have two options:

  1. Download all the invoices from a transaction.

  2. Download all the selected invoices.

If you want to download all the invoices from the same transaction you should follow the next steps:

✔️ Option 1: From the transaction history, locate the transaction and click on "Download all invoices"

In the invoices section, go to "Transaction History" and locate the transaction that you need the invoices from. Now you just have to click on the three dots on the right side (Action buttons), and select the option "Download all invoices".

By doing this, all the invoices that were paid in that transaction will be downloaded in a ZIP format.

✔️ Option 2: Locate your workers' invoices and select "Download Selections"

If you want to download multiple invoices regardless of the transaction they belong to, you just have to go to the tab called "Worker invoices" and tick the box on the left for all the invoices you want to download. Then, you just have to click on Download selections, choose PDF format, and click on "Download". By doing this, a ZIP file with all the selected invoices will be downloaded.

Congratulations, you made it! 🚀

If you have more questions, do not hesitate to contact our support team through the chat 😊

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