How to: Download Reports

Step-by-step instructions on how to download the reports available in the platform.

Shobhi avatar
Written by Shobhi
Updated over a week ago

This article will guide you through the process of downloading Excel reports containing detailed information about your contracts and worker payments.

Currently, the platform offers two Excel reports that you can download:

  1. Contracts Report: This report covers all historical information related to the contracts you've created in Ontop. In it, you'll find:

    • Basic information about your workers.

    • Contract details.

    • Information about contract amendments.

    • KYC validation status.

  2. Past Payments Report: This report provides details on all invoices you've paid to your workers in the past. It includes:

    • Basic payment information (contractor name, invoice number, etc.).

    • Amounts paid for compensation and additional payments.

    • Payment status (you can check if the money has been transferred to your worker's wallet).

To download these reports, follow these simple steps:

Contracts Report

✔️ Step 1: Go to the "Contract List" section in the Contracts menu.

✔️ Step 2: Click on the download icon at the top of the contracts list.

✔️ Step 3: Click the "Download" button, and the report will be automatically downloaded to your device. Note that any filters applied to the contracts list will affect the report content. For example, if you had filtered for active contracts, the Excel report would only include those.

Please note that this download process may take up to 5 minutes, depending on the number of contracts you have.

✔️ Step 4: Once the download is complete, you'll have the Excel file ready to use.

Past Payments Report

✔️ Step 1: Go to the "Pay Now" section in the payments menu.

✔️ Step 2: Click on the "Past Payments Report" button at the top of the screen.

✔️ Step 3: Choose the date range for the payments you want to include in your report and click the download button. Keep in mind that you can only select a date range of up to 90 days.

✔️ Step 4: Once the download is complete, you'll have the Excel file ready to use.

And that's it. By following these simple steps, you'll have your Excel reports ready to use for your customized analyses.

Congratulations, you made it! 🚀

If you have more questions, do not hesitate to contact our support team through the chat 😊

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